
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Miss Thrasher Feedback

Today we showed Miss Thrasher our opening sequence and she seemed to quite like it, however, there are some things we need to take in to account for the next re-shoot.
-There are a few lighting continuity issues in some of the shots which we will need to re-shoot.
-A light can be seen in one of the shots but miss proposed a simple masking solution to hide it which should be easy as its a still shot.
-The cut to the watch doesn't quite look right and needs evaluating, which we have and it looks a lot better. Also, the villain looks at his left hand when it is natural for someone to look at their right.

However, miss was very encouraging about the project and it at least made me realise that we got a lot of quality filming done at the weekend and there's a lot of filming that I myself am quite proud of. :):):):) :D:D:D:D


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