The first minute or so of the film will focus on him and his paranoia about the house as he tries to solve his impossible case.
presenting a treasure trove of quality media research and blogging (lovely pipes)
Me, Nick and Simon have gathered at Nick's house and are waiting for Daniel to arrive. We hope he got my blog post before he left for Enfield. We have successfully adapted our idea to a more workable location which involves the inside of Nick's house and a really good alleyway which is just behind his house. Things are looking much more promising and we are all a bit more optimistic instead of being completely depressed.
We were unable to use our previous location which was perfect for our idea and it left us stuck as we needed to find a new location which worked with our idea.
At the moment we are re-storyboarding and talking through the idea, making sure it's clear in our head. We have decided that it's not wise to do filming this weekend and are going to plan through the idea in a lot of detail so that next weekend everything will hopefully run smoothly
We have done a reccy and tested some lighting in key locations of our story. We also tried out our main character with the actor and will do a post on him soon!
We thought it could work very well in a thriller type film to add suspense by using some very calm classical music as contrapuntal sound. For this we had the idea of using the first movement from Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 14 in C# Minor. It is a very calm relaxing piece and would therefore give a sense of contrast to the visuals adding tension. We have consequently decided to scrap the voice over as it no longer works with the style or mood of the film. We have however stuck to the detective/killer aspect.
We made some props for use in the office scene like some polaroid pictures and evidence for the detective's desk. We will upload posts about this separately.
Very sorry to Daniel who didn't get our post. If you read this and the following few posts to come hopefully the new idea will become apparent.
Matt, Nick and Simon
Could we possibly use the comments function to have a discussion about this script so we can try and get a final draft finished by the end of this evening. Thanks
There is a black screen and we hear a gun shot. Nothing else is heard for a few seconds.
Voice-Over: How did I get here?
We hear sirens start to fade in and so does the screen into a fast motion track into a dark, damp corner where we end up in an over shoulder shot of a tall man in a coat standing over another man on the ground. The surroundings are an old city rooftop, we can see large industrial fans rotating nearby and it is dark, the only light source from small lamps on the walls nearby. During this the music builds up with some very fast strings into a very grand chord when we reach the OTS shot. The tall man is wearing a trilby hat and is holding a revolver. The man on the ground has a gun shot wound near his heart, his hair is messy and his tie is wonky. It is obvious there has been some sort of struggle. The standing man goes to put his gun away. The music is now very calm and atmospheric.
We cut to an ECU of the gun being put in his holster/pocket and see his arm start to move up his coat.
Voice-Over: Here in the filthy, desolate…
We then cut to a MS of the man pulling a rose out of his jacket pocket.
Voice-Over: …Back alleys of this…
We then go back to the OTS shot and see him drop the rose which we can safely assume from general stereotypes is his calling card.
Voice-Over: God forsaken town.
We cut to an ECU downwards track of the rose falling which will be in slow motion. Over this there are titles appearing in the corners of the screen. The music is slowly but surely building up.
We get a Low Angle, LS of the killer from the man on the floor’s perspective and his face is difficult to see due to the lighting.
Voice-Over: Shot, in cold blood…
We go back to the OTS shot and see the villain lift up his foot to stamp on his victim.
Voice-Over: …by a man I no longer know.
As the foot comes down on the word “know” we cut to a close-up of the victim’s face as he cringes in agony. We can tell that the villain is stepping on his wound showing no remorse or mercy in his shooting. We go back to the Low angle LS of the killer and see him turn and start to walk off screen.
We now get a low angle wide shot of the pathway that the villain is walking down. We see him walking off away from the camera.
Voice-Over: It’s late…
On the word “Late” we change to a side-on LS from behind the industrial fans looking across at the villain walking.
Voice-Over: …the disease ridden rodents…
On the word “Rodents” we cut to a high angle VLS, from a few stories up in the building nearby looking down on the villain walking away past a staircase. He continues until he turns a corner.
Voice-Over: …have scurried back to the gutters from whence they came.
We see a LS of the villain turning a corner and entering a stairwell and then cut to another LS of him walking towards a lift. We get a CU of his finger pressing the button then change to a MCU of his head as he stares at the numbers above the lift awaiting its arrival. Over this the voice-over continues. As he enters the building the sirens fade out slightly but the music continues to build up.
Voice-Over: Their sinful ways have driven me to insanity, to the depths of hell itself.
We see the lift doors open from a LS looking at the villain’s back and he enters the lift. The door’s close. We cut to inside the lift where we can hear the mechanics working as the lift ascends and then cut to a MS of his chest where he reaches into a pocket to check if he has any cigarettes. We get a High angle OTS shot as he looks into an empty packet and puts them away again. Over this the voice-over continues.
Voice-Over: He should have listened. Can’t he see his destructive ways have brought about his own demise?
We cut to a MLS of outside the lift doors on a new floor and as they open he walks out.
Voice-Over: One thing’s for certain…
He exits the room and is now outside in a car park (VLS from far off). He walks in the direction of the camera and then turns right, the camera pans to follow him as he goes to the edge to look over. The music has almost got to a frenzy now of dissonance and very odd synthesized noises. The sirens are getting ever loud becoming almost disorientating.
Voice-Over: …as long as I’m alive…
We cut to a MLS where we track his movements as he looks over the edge and then gasps in astonishment. We track past him and look over the edge down to the dark corner to find the corner empty. The music comes to a stunning climax and suddenly without warning stops.
The music now goes into a furious theme which is very fast paced to represent the fight that follows. We pan back to suddenly find our protagonist behind him who grabs the villain and shoves him against a wall. We cut to an OTS shot from behind the protagonist and see the villain struggling against the wall. We then cut to a VCU similar to the third shot of the film but this time he is trying to retrieve his gun, but we see the protagonist’s hand go in there and grab his wrist.
We go to a MLS of the two from side-on and the villain head butts the protagonist making him fall to the ground. We cut quickly to a high angle MLS of the protagonist on the floor and then to a low angle MLS of the villain. The villain pulls out the gun and the screen suddenly goes blank. At the very same instant there is the sound of a gun shot. The music yet again stops without warning.
There is silence again except for the sirens which carry on as the title logo “THE STREETS RUN RED” fades and zooms on the screen and then the sirens and title slowly fade to black.
Posted by Simon
More detailed accounts of the somewhat disastrous first day of the test shoot will follow, I'm sure, but in brief, here are things to think about:
By the way, if anyone (by which I mean Nick, Simon or Matt) reads this, where are we meeting tomorrow?
I havent gone in to as much detail as I could of because I just wanted to write how I see the opening playing out Eg. I havent stated every camera shot just the ones that matter to understanding my vision.
The film opens with the sound of a gun shot and some atmospheric music which quietly starts and lingers in the background of the scene, while we are seeing a black screen with our film company logo/name. The audience is unaware of what is happening but the sound would imply that someone has been shot.
The sequence dissolves in to an atmospheric shot of the industrial area and within that shot we see two characters below on a roof top, one with a gun in hand and the other lying on the floor. There is blood splattered on the fans/surroundings nearby. And within this shot the police sirens start in the background adding to the music.
The camera cuts in closer to an over the shoulder shot of the villain with the victim lying on the floor with his eyes open and mouth slowly breathing (emphasis on the white of his eyes as its contrasting to the darkness around him). The villain begins to put his gun away and the voice over starts ‘Shot in cold blood… there was little I could do as this grungy dog peered over me and dominated the scene.’ (Something along the lines of that… I think the voice over should start by setting the scene and then diverge in to the whole story plot- politics, tyranny etc).
The camera changes to a close up of the villain who quietly sneers as he takes a cigarette and lights it with a smile on his face. (Voice over still going on describing the situation of the dirty streets and how thing came to be the way they were).
We cut to a master shot of the villain standing on the wound of his victim as he screams with agony; we change shot to a mid-shot of the villain as he pulls out his gun again and shoots his victim one more time. The camera focuses on the gun firing and the recoil of it and we cut back to the master shot which slowly moves back away from the scene and at this point the villain walks away and we (the camera) follows him down stairs which gives us a chance to do some match on actions.
Meanwhile the camera cuts back to the scene of the man lying on the floor and he has disappeared but there is a blood patch where he has been lying. The camera cuts about the scene and we change the style of editing to a faster pace of cuts which is in sync to dramatic music which has built up over the sequence and finally cuts to the main title sequence (THE STREETS RUN RED) and at the point it comes on to the screen the music cuts out but not totally out, just back to background atmospheric music. The opening fades out and ends.
By Matt
Posted by Simon
Also, we will be making a physical storyboard using post-it notes, so we can now have an easily editable timeline.
Also in the meeting we looked at potential costumes, and found a good beige trenchcoat and dark brown hat. A possible source of blood put forward was getting animal blood from the butcher's.
Finally, the time for our test shoot was set as 3-7pm on Sunday, with a possible further shot in the daylight on Monday.
We are extensively rethinking the sequence.