
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In response to Nick's entire first draft using new ending

Hey Nick, I pretty much like the whole script up until the fight scene. I don't think it should be a fight scene I think it should be a lot more simple, eg. a gunshot to the head (The villian realises the protagonists isn't there and then a gun gets put to his head, the screen goes black and we hear a gunshot). I think that is a lot more powerful than a fight scene which in my opinion would end up looking a bit clumsy and ametuer.

By Matt

1 comment:


I see what you mean about it being clumsy. I'm just still worried about filling up the 2 minutes. It all still feels a bit short, but I suppose once we've thought it through with timing it will all pan out quite nicely. Would be good to see Simon and Dan's response before I change anything though methinks.
