
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

2nd half of sequence thoughts

To fill the remaining time left in our sequence after the interaction between the two characters I have been thinking of a few possible solutions:

1. Revert back to the zoom. This would fill the time left nicely, but may well make it quite boring and disrupt the flow of scene by integrating it amongst the action.

2. Add a chase scene to it. Instead of our villain walking down the steps and leaving the area he could walk up to the next level of the car park via the lift and notices that the protagonist is no longer in the corner. He then starts to get worried and we see a look of anguish on his face. He starts to briskly walk away and looks around frantically through paranoia. He then goes down the other set of stairs and returns to the corner and notices that the rose is on the floor and is crushed. He then walks down the stairs and pushes on the gate which is locked shut. The sequence then ends with him being shot or struck to the ground from behind by the protagonist. He slides down the gates onto the floor revealing our hero behind.

3. A full-on fight scene. The same as the previous up until he looks down to notice the good guy is gone and turns around and is punched. Combat ensues and it continues across the car park until it looks like the villain has been pushed off of the edge. The protagonist looks down and sees the villain on the floor in a crumpled heap. He then goes down the check the dead body, but discovers that it has gone.

I believe that the 2nd is the strongest and the 1st the least. We can, however, incorporate bits from each.

Posted by Simon

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