Here we have taken some random photos with sets of colours and then shown examples next to them of how they would look in low saturation. We noticed that it gives the same dark feel as black and white however at the same time the main colours are emphasised such as the picture of the orange.

Colour Vs Low Saturation Vs Black and White
Here we have taken our favourite two shots that we took and shown examples in colour, low saturation and black and white. As you can see the saturated and B/W ones are very similar but we feel that the low saturation adds to the picture by not removing all the colour. It will also give a slightly more modern feel than film noir. Although our film may not be set in present and have a more retro feel (1950s detective or 1970s gangster) we like the extra colour added.
Once we have sorted out the photos from our reccy we will also show examples of some of these in low saturation.
Simon and Nick
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